Courses & Podcasts

A list of recommended AI-courses & podcasts


Introductory Courses to AI 

Digital Norway has developed a series of micro-courses, all available on their website for free.  

Free Courses:

The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. 750,000 students have registered so far.

Free Courses: is a website that barnds itself as "a living network of curious minds"


Courses where some prior knowledge is recommended


Introduksjon til maskinlæring er et nytt videreutdannings-tilbud for deg som jobber i industrien og ønsker større forståelse om konsepter innen maskinlæring.

Free (but you need to pay UiA's semester fee, about 500 NOK)

Machine Learning by Stanford University. Hosted by Coursera. 4.5 Million registered.

Free Course (USD 75 for certificate. otherwise free) :

More AI courses by Coursera.

Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning by Google hosted by Udacity. Learn how to build deep learning applications with TensorFlow.  You'll get hands-on experience building your own state-of-the-art image classifiers and other deep learning models.

Free Course:


Courses where its recommended to have experience with AI

Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications Without a PhD - the book and the course

Free Course

Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme
Explore the practical applications of AI, within your organisation and society.

Paid Course (€2,750 EUR)


A list of different podcasts focusing on AI

Game Over?

Hosted by Dr. Morten Goodwin

In "Game Over?", Dr. Goodwin explains what AI is, and what it isn't. What it can and cannot do. Through this, Dr.Goodwin wishes for discussion about AI to be better informed. 

Want to hear more? For a full list of available platforms, see:

NORA Explains: AI

Hosted by Dr. Morten Goodwin & Klas Pettersen

This is a podcast for those who are interested in AI and wish to delve deeper into the subject. If you are interested in machine learning and AI, then this podcast provides you with passionate experts that truly care about AI.

Present in each episode is a guest that helps with diving further on different subjects of AI.

Want to hear more? For a full list of episodes and available platforms, see:

Podcasts by: Lex Fridman

Follow Lex Fridman in a variety of subjects in his podcasts with over 200 episodes. With frequent guests, he covers a variety of topics from AI to philosophy (amongst many others). Amongst his guests are: Elon Musk, Joe Rogan and Vitalik Buterin.   

Want to hear more? For a full list of episodes see: